![]() Thanks for visiting my website. I'm a pigeon fancier just getting back in the hobby after several years of layoff! I have Dragoons, English Carriers, Scandaroons (rare breed) and English Exhibition Homers (rare breed). I'm raising pigeons as a hobby but occasionally sell and buy birds in passing. I also am considering on showing some of my stock in the near future. I'm interested in all wattled varieties of pigeons and show homers and racers. All comments are greatly appreciated! I'm interested in introducing fancy pigeons to all in that they can see for themselves what a wonderful hobby/business this can be. I'd also like to get a pair or two of Scandaroons, if anyone knows? Scan down to see photo's of my pigeons.....I highly recommend "The Pigeon" by W M Levi. It's the "Bible" on pigeons.....I'd like to thank Tom Barnhart. He's helped me out with pigeons and a shipping container. All my Dragoons are from Tom's loft. Check out the links at the bottom of my page! Other very nice sites I like are: The Pigeon Cote, The Pigeon Coop,"Freddie's Racing Pigeons all over the World". I'd like to thank Birdie for showing me how to do a link! She has a very nice page of her Show Racers and a lot of other stuff. PS A little about my cages. I now have 4 cages, two are 6'x6'x6' and two are 6'x4'x6'(length x width x height). I usually keep them "wide open" as in the summer and spring seasons and cover them in the fall and winter seasons. I use kitty-litter on the bottom of my cages and wood shavings in the nest boxes with either grass, pine or straw on top for nesting material. My nest boxes are wood and large enough to give the bird extra room to nest. I don't like to "crowd" my birds and would keep no more than two pair in my smaller cages or three pair in my larger cages. I also have three roosting cages for broods. I have a pair of Exhibition Homers with their young right now in one of these cages. When the young are able to fend for themselves I'll put them in a separate cage by themselves and return the parents to a larger cage. It's important to separate the young birds in a cage of their own as adult pigeons can become very upset with young pigeons, especially where mates are involved! I'D PERSONALLY LIKE TO THANK BIRDIE ORRICK FOR DESIGNING ALL MY PAGES "GREAT JOB, BIRDIE!". In regards to my pigeons: The English Exhibition Homers have the "long flat faces" with minimal cere and wattle (the wattle should always be "V" shaped and always minimal) with a "bullet shaped" blunt beak and are simular in size to Racing Homers. The Dragoons are the size, or a little larger, than the Racing Homer but with more of a blunt bill with more developed cere and wattle. Dragoons should also have a flatter scull and as vertical station (stance) as possible. The English Carriers are larger with a longer neck, legs and body with a longer face with more cere and wattle than the Dragoons. English Carriers (like Dragoons) should have as vertical a stance as possible and appear to be standing on it's front toes. In the Scandaroon the pigeon should have an "oval" face with the wattle forming an unbroken line from head to beak. The station is more "flat footed" than in the Carrier and Dragoon. I'll have more "new" photo's of my pigeons on another page by early June. I'm really interested in forming a club for the English Exhibition Homer! I do need support and would appreciate hearing from fanciers of this breed of pigeon. I would like, at least, a dozen responces in this regard. I WILL HAVE DRAGOONS FOR SALE IN OCTOBER FOR $40 PER PAIR PLUS SHIPPING AND COST OF CONTAINER! THESE ARE VERY GOOD QUALITY DRAGOONS. I need 3 set's of perch compartments (each to perch 9-15 birds). Will except used if cleaned and disinfected. Would buy or trade pigeons for. Please email me if interested. My new friend James, of England has been getting a lot of enquiries about his Racing Homers. James want to know if there is an agent here in the US? He prefer's in the mid west but also would consider the east or west. If you know, than please email me and I'll forward your answer or you can email him directly via his website below "TUMLEY LOFT". A very nice young man. I hope you can help! I'm a veteran of the Vietnam era (US Army '65-'67). Please support the Veteran's! In the fancy, Dan. |